Few more facts to know about Bashir Dawood

Bashir Dawood is one of the well-known and richest businesspeople of Pakistan. You can see his experience in his company product which is about 30 years in manufacturing. Being an active philanthropist and very kind person, he created a business culture where everyone can easily communicate and work as a team.

About his company

Dawlance is a home appliance brand founded by bashir dawood in 1980. Its headquarters is in Karachi. The products are washing machine, freezers, split air conditioner and microwave oven. It has evolved as one of the best home appliance companies in Pakistan and he tries to give the best facilities to his customers.

The products provided by the company are durable and after-sale services to its customers are also incredible. It becomes everyone’s first choice and it has seen enormous growth and now its branch office is opened in Hyderabad.

bashir dawood

It is the 7th most popular brand in Pakistan. For its outstanding services, the company has won several awards. In November 2016, it was acquired by Arcelik a Turkish-based company.

Other aspects about him

When Pakistan was in a tough time and there was the need for helping hands to solve the problems of people in the country, Bashir Dawood and his wife Mariyam Dawood came forward and raise their hands to help people. It gives hope for the people about their life at that time.

They have also opened a school in Pakistan to provide quality education which is needed at that time for Pakistani children. It is hard to find any schools in Pakistan providing good and quality education to their students.

He and his wife never failed to work for the betterment of the people in their country. It is a privilege for people to have such a person like him.

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